Oraculi Ltd


Oraculi Ltd is here to assist with Responsible Persons role and responsibilities. 

Developing their knowledge and supporting them, ensuring they conform with their legal obligations regarding building services assets. 

Understanding how to manage a risk assessment and monitoring tasks. Known as SOPs, PPM, Written Schemes.  


To mentor managers and engineers who have been on a one or three day course and have gained a basic awareness of managing an asset.

Mentor and develop these basic skills learned gaining  the competency  skills that will effectively ensure they correctly use continual learning  to the best advantage. 

Change is constant and experience is learnt by investment with mentoring your staff.


It is vital that employers provide expert advice to their employees, minimising risk to both the business and the client.  

You will have a unique email address to ensure one to one mentoring or directly by a phone call. 

No time wasting or delay with managing an asset risk.